New York’s Division of Homeland Security is posting signs on businesses to encourage people to snitch on fellow citizens who buy such things as MRE’s (Meals Ready to Eat), ammunition, flash lights, match containers, gas masks and other items deemed to be ‘prepper’ in nature.
The government isn’t only destroying our country, they want to know who’s aware that they are doing so. The government wants sheeple, so anyone aware enough to be preparing for the chaos about to ensue at their hands will be re-educated at some later point.
hitler time snichs wear stichs
I don’t understand , it’s on shelf at Walmart but it’s Illegal to buy it ? I know how to use this one . Next time your Boss gets on you about something stupid call HLS and tell them how the Boss was bragging about getting 1,500 MREs for cash .
They tell us to be ready in case of emergency and know they want to penalize you for it. WTF
I happen to know LT. Vance of the Connecticut State police has an Illegal amount of MREs as well as 5.56 and 9 mm ammo in his house ,now give me $500. Give me $1,000 and we can talk about the all the Illegal food and water in the Illegal underground bunkers Built for congress in and around Washington DC.
Blackmail is never a good thing.
well I think DHS in NY didn’t learn a thing from history and neither did we I guess
ZIEG HEIL !!!!!!!!!
So that’ll pay for 2 plane tickets, and then some…. So if I go up there with a buddy…. we’ll come home with money
and be on a new york watch list. but hey who gives a f, as long as it costs the government money>