The liberal media is at it again. In a recent New York Times article, they claimed that Greenland is melting due to global warming and will raise sea levels by twenty feet. This supposably “in-depth” article went on to tell the story of some climate scientists on their quest to collect data from Greenland, in an attempt to explain what’s happening to the world’s second largest ice-sheet. The article detailed the “harshness” of their journey through the cold of the Greenland summer, even talking about how they had to urinate in water bottles. These alleged “findings” were immediately criticized by the science community and proven wrong.
Read more about these lies on the next page.
I can’t wait for global warming I be able to have a garden year round
Melting? Like Wicked Witches? (same as a liberal)
Global warming is happening, but we can’t do anything to stop it.
Worrying and arguing about it is pointless. It’ll keep going on for at least 500 years from what I understand.
We could have accelerated it somehow I suppose, but we still can’t stop it.
the debate last night exposed the liberal media for the corrupt liars that they are
That’s wht the said ten years ago
Lying BS.
Its for the New World Order evil agenda
Lies and distortions as usual. “The current volume of Greenland’s ice sheet is 3,000,000 cubic kilometers. Even using the most aggressive claims by climate “researchers” it would take 15,000 years for the ice sheet to melt. If that’s true, modern liberals shouldn’t be concerned . . . unless they’re only pushing global warming for the paychecks it gives them.”