The global warming obviously doesn’t have the scientific data to support their case, so they turn up the heat by cooking the books. NASA, NOAA (National Climate Data Center) and now for a second time NSIDC (National Snow and Ice Data Center), a U.S. government agency that supposedly furnishes “official statistics” on Arctic sea ice coverage, has been caught committing climate fraud.
As most thinking people know, statistics can be tweaked to fit one’s agenda and in this case, NSIDC has revamped their maps and charts of ice to make it appear that 5+-year-old sea ice is at the smallest recorded level.
We have seen these alarmist twist the data because the truth does not match up with the global warming lie. Truth and Action pointed out that NOAA uses numbers that help facilitate and drive funding.
The greatest science scandal of all time is global warming. The numbers don’t lie, except when the NOAA cherry picks only the data that pushes their global warming agenda and drives funding.
The Telegraph recently published an article that exposes how the data supporting global warming ‘science’, specifically official temperature records, have been manipulated systematically to give the appearance that the Earth has warmed considerably more than it actually has,” shared Truth and Action.
First these were made by the US government’s Global Historical Climate Network (GHCN). They were then amplified by two of the main official surface records, the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (Giss) and the National Climate Data Center (NCDC), which use the warming trends to estimate temperatures across the vast regions of the Earth where no measurements are taken. Yet these are the very records on which scientists and politicians rely for their belief in “global warming”.
Manipulation of numbers to support the lie of global warming has been uncovered by Paul Homewood of Notalotofpeopleknowthat blog.
First these were made by the US government’s Global Historical Climate Network (GHCN). They were then amplified by two of the main official surface records, the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (Giss) and the National Climate Data Center (NCDC), which use the warming trends to estimate temperatures across the vast regions of the Earth where no measurements are taken. Yet these are the very records on which scientists and politicians rely for their belief in “global warming”.
The newest falsification was discovered by Steven Goddard of the Real Science, who was able to compare old charts with the newly doctored ones and show that data had been intentionally eliminated.
Read about the lies on the next page.
Alex Chinchilla
Once again these liberal agencies lie. They continuously give bogus numbers, to support there lie. There are many scientists, who debunk this global warming c**p, with good science. But onward these idiots go with there agenda. Truth does not matter.
Whoever is reading this testimony today should celebrate with me and my family bcos it all started like a joke to some people & others said its impossible. After been in relationship with a man for 7yrs, he broke up with me, I love him so much & I did everything possible to bring him back but all in vain. I explained to some1 online and & suggested to contact a spell caster, I met a spell caster called prophet Michael & he told me my ex will return to me with 72hrs, he cast the spell & surprisingly within 56hrs my ex called. All he said was dat he was so sorry for everything dat happened dat he wanted me to return to him dat he love me so much. I was so happy & went to him & start living together happily, Thanks to Prophet Michael so much & I will trusted you forever. I have made a promise to be a source of help to those dat are having relationship problem or facing any problem no matter the case maybe to referred him/her to real & powerful spell caster who helped me with my problem & different from f**e ones out there. If you need his assistance in any area of your life contact him prophetmichael665@ gmail . com
Worthless pukes!
To add to that, the Attorney General is now looking at ways to punish people for doubting the LIE!!!
Someone please show this to that little f*g, Leonardo decaprio! I’m sick of his f**e rhetoric. He is getting kickbacks just like the rest of the f**e green people
Please watch
You can teach the ignorant but you can’t teach the stupid.
global warming has been a scam since its begining
Global B******t!