More climate fraud has surfaced as NISDC, National Snow and Ice Data Center, has not only revamped their maps and graphs to support the notion that 5+-year-old sea ice is at the smallest recorded level, but also they have deleted all the original “old style” maps from the archive.
This, of course, is not the first government agency to commit fraud against the American people in order to press an agenda that controls businesses through regulatory standards and taxes individuals as well. NASA and the NOAA have already been caught cooking the books.
An example of this was reported by Truth and Action months back.
The NOAA has taken their falsified numbers and claimed them as fact to present a narrative that is counter to what satellite evidence that have shown no global warming for at least 18 years.
If, however, you look at those weather stations that haven’t been corrupted – “unperturbed” stations – what you get is US global warming roughly half as much as NOAA claims.
Whether this represents mere incompetence or calculated fraud by NOAA is for future courts to decide. What we do know is that the problem dates back at least to the 1990s when, for some unexplained reason, NOAA decided to halve the number of weather stations used for its official records. Even more mysteriously, the ones it chose to keep tended to show more global warming while the ones it rejected tended to show much less.
The NOAA has taken their falsified numbers and claimed them as fact to present a narrative that is counter to what satellite evidence that have shown no global warming for at least 18 years.
This new scandal not only changes the numbers on maps and charts but attempts to remove access to the previous data, that at one point was perfectly acceptable to this agency. Steven Goddard of the Real Science discovered the discrepancy. If global warming is true, then why hide the old data?
But a sharp eyed reader of Goddard’s managed to find one old style map that NSIDC had forgotten to delete. This enabled Goddard to compare the new style map with an old style map for the same week. What he discovered is that NSIDC has been making some dramatic and unexplained adjustments to the record: about half the 5+ year sea ice which should be there, for example, has been mysteriously erased.
NSIDC has upended the graph so that 5+-year-ice is at the top and not on the bottom. They have also reworked an Artic ice map, that one showed a larger 5+-year-ice coverage, but now shows significantly less, with no scientific data to support the change.
Truth and Action has reported on their cooking the books before:
What is in it for the NOAA, Giss and GHCN if not money and power? Why cook the books to “prove global warming” if there is not a financial incentive?
But if taxpayer funded scientists at NOAA and NASA have been tampering with the raw data – even to the point of cooking the books so that a cooling trend has been turned in warming one – why haven’t we heard about this before?
Source: Breitbart
Global warming is a hoax
As long as ppl keep waking up Satan is on his last ride
Robbins Virginia let’s pray it be so!