When summer comes along you’d probably want your kid to be occupied. If they’re a teenager, you might get them a job or maybe send them to a summer camp. Well, the NSA’s got you covered! They’re setting up camps across the country teaching teens the ins and the outs of spying.
These summer camps may very well be the future of the NSA, giving it a stable of future spies.
And what are the kids learning at these camps?
You know this Is going Too far but someone needs to ask Some questions to find out if they are being abused…
Spy Kids; that could have been foreseen but nothing new.
Parents should explain this to their kids & warn them not to believe everything they hear in school.
Demons at work
Spy Kids
Spy Kids & Salt!
anyone reading this needs to watch the movie SALT
The Holy Spirit is being poured out upon the YOUNGEST GENERTION of YOUNG boys and girls TODAY ALL AROUND the EARTH> TODAY.. the PROPHECY IS being FULFILLED again once more IN MY AND MY MOTHERS and DADDY’S LIFETIME. THUS THE LORD THY GOD HATH SAID! ” I will pour out MY Spirit upon your sons and your daughters.Your young men shall dream dreams and your daughters will prophocy.” the last time this happened on a large scale was in California On a street called AZUSA STREET in 1906 I was not even thought of but in the heart and mind of GOD almighty of a mother and a daddy that were just children at the time.. Both having been in America being born at the turn of the century in 1902 & 03 decendants of those that came across to this land to be founders of THESE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA . ONE NATION UNDER GOD THAT believed and TESTIFIED OF JESUS CHRIST of the HOLY WRITTEN WORD OF the LIVING CREATOR FATHER SON AND HOLY GHOST WORD BLOOD AND SPIRIT. the GOSPEL HOLY BIBLE!! MY ancesters brought with them ….. the government have been grilling children for the past twenty to thirty years about the parents and their privacy OH YOU have not been aware of this either.. AMAZING what one can KNOW when ONE GETS OLD and KNOWS HISTORICAL AND what THUS THE LORD THY GOD HATH DONE SAID, HAD WRITTEN, and GIVEN that I might have LIFE ETERNALLY with MY HEAVENLY FATHER and HIS SON CHRIST JESUS FOR ALL ETERNITY..!!!
NSA needs to be abolished!
The New SS on American soil then?