Obama’s ‘efforts’ to reform the NSA may simply be smoke and mirrors. His new pick to head the agency defended spying on Americans on a massive scale, following the administration’s claim that it is a necessary tool to foil terrorist threats.
Responding to questions from Senators, Vice Admiral Michael Rogers stated that it is imperative that the NSA have access to vast amounts of metadata, in order that the government can keep Americans safe.Rogers argued that section 215 of the Patriot Act should remain intact and the spooks should not be hindered from using it to justify mass surveillance.
“The telephone metadata program under Section 215 was designed to map the communications of terrorists so we can see who they may be in contact with as quickly as possible,” Rogers said.
Obviously, Obama’s nomination of Rogers is designed to maintain the status quo at the NSA, not to create any meaningful reforms. He intends to simply replace one agency head with another who will continue violating Americans’ right to privacy, under the shelter of vague suggestions this might, someday, stop a terrorist.
Source: Infowars
Photo: Gage Skidmore on Flickr
Did you say throw peaches at Obama and arrest the lying, thieving Americans?
Be careful what you wish, we just might get it. :/
NSA like all other federal agencies will be under the control of Muslims because Obama will make sure they are in place when he needs them.. Our government will soon be under the control of Obama’s pet world leaders… AKA Muslims
You’re paranoid and bigoted.
And, right.
put his ass in jail
Only problem Scott, they couldn’t build one big enough to house his ego!
It might not be hard to convince God to undo an election won by voter fraud and intimidating the opponents with the IRS, and won by a president who sinks the nation into homosexuality and abortion.
Not if everyone prays really hard Stephen, but I’m not sure that is happening.
Unfortunately everything you have listed in your statement is true and also leads to tyranny and dictatorship.
Is it any wonder that the Congress declared Obama a dictator?
Hopefully they will take action like Ted Cruz and Paul Rand and a few others like the State governors in dislodging/removing this fool.
we should not be spying on American’s, this is clearly a violation of our constitutional right’s.
Unfortunately, the definition of who IS and who IS NOT a “terrorist” has changed! Those who are terrorists now are: the Tea Party, Conservatives, Republicans. Those who are NOT are ‘extremist Muslims’, the Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaeda, the Taliban, ‘undocumented aliens’ and a few other Americans.
You are right Glen, this is Bull Sh*t..Get him or them Senator Ted Cruz
This a crime and it best stop. Do away with the NSA together with Obummer. They have all broken our constitutional rights.
Someone has to pursue things at the Supreme Court level. I’m not so sure passing bills anymore from the Congressional-legislature level is going to do anything. Naturally, Obama can always veto the bill and it would have to go through the House and Senate again to become Law. But, the likelihood of a bill to take away power from Obama in the first place is unlikely to get through because of the Democrat’s control on the Senate.
We must regain control of the Senate and retain control of the House this November.
This Spring, vote out any/all Republican incumbents that you do not like in the primaries.
*vote out RINO’s in the primaries.
another Idiot/crook!
The reason Gov. has to watch us ,is because there Traitors and they need to watch us for Revolting Against their Tyranny. They know there Corrupt and we Know there Corrupt
impeach and fire them all when he gets out of office they need to spy on him and his muppets