Obama’s ‘efforts’ to reform the NSA may simply be smoke and mirrors. His new pick to head the agency defended spying on Americans on a massive scale, following the administration’s claim that it is a necessary tool to foil terrorist threats.
Responding to questions from Senators, Vice Admiral Michael Rogers stated that it is imperative that the NSA have access to vast amounts of metadata, in order that the government can keep Americans safe.Rogers argued that section 215 of the Patriot Act should remain intact and the spooks should not be hindered from using it to justify mass surveillance.
“The telephone metadata program under Section 215 was designed to map the communications of terrorists so we can see who they may be in contact with as quickly as possible,” Rogers said.
Obviously, Obama’s nomination of Rogers is designed to maintain the status quo at the NSA, not to create any meaningful reforms. He intends to simply replace one agency head with another who will continue violating Americans’ right to privacy, under the shelter of vague suggestions this might, someday, stop a terrorist.
Source: Infowars
Photo: Gage Skidmore on Flickr
Impeach Obama for his crimes against the American people and treason and fraud.
Unfortunately, the definition of who IS and who IS NOT a “terrorist” has changed! Those who are terrorists now are: the Tea Party, Conservatives, Republicans. Those who are NOT are ‘extremist Muslims’, the Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaeda, the Taliban, ‘undocumented aliens’ and a few other Americans.
We own them courts! And the people in them Black robes work for us! Just because they are in those positions doesn’t mean $#%&!@*, if they don’t enforce the constitution! They can be on the un-employment line also PEOPLE!!
“The People must enforce and protect the Constitution which can be perverted by the Courts and Congress. Since the People control the Courts and Congress, the people do not have to change the Constitution but remove those who attempt to pervert it.” [paraphrased] ~Abraham Lincoln.
Feinstein’s been bitching about the CIA spying on congress. I guess it’s o.k for the NSA to spy on the American people though. Such bull$#%&!@*!
What a whiny, whimpy, spoiled, Democrat bitch.
hen block him! Obviously he can’t be trusted for the safety of the American people!
And we are saying to Obama and the NSA go $#%&!@* yourselves are you listen to that Ass holes.
This why the Senate has to change hands this Fall.
Let go after Obama too and impeach this treasomous Muslim and hang him out to dry.
Impeach the lying fool.
Obama wants to get his ideology hard core liberals in office before the NOV. elections because after that they want be able to get in