NOW: We Demand the Androgynous Scouts of America

The Boy Scouts, in answer, have just announced that they will no longer just serve boys, but will now have no choice but to blur the lines of gender and accept girls into their organization in order to sate the paralyzing appetite of the Left that seeks to devour anything and everything good about Christians and their wholesome activities.

With NOW, the far-Left, rabidly anti-American group, was a psychologist by the name of Andrea Bastiani Archibald, who thought it appropriate to integrate the two activities groups of the Girl Scouts and the Boy Scouts and present a more androgynous society that will meet the needs of the Liberal demands.

Starting next year, young girls can join Cub Scout units, known as dens. Local scouting organizations can choose to have dens for girls and dens for boys. “Cub Scout dens will be single-gender — all boys or all girls,” the organization said in a statement.

A separate program for older girls will be available in 2019, the Boy Scouts said, enabling them to earn the rank of Eagle Scout.

The Boy Scouts said the moves reflect the changing nature of American life, adding to the appeal of a scouting program that can serve the entire family.

BSA said it commissioned two nationwide surveys that showed parents not involved in scouting had high interest in getting their daughters signed up for both Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts.

What’s going on here has nothing to do with surveys or polls or finances.  What’s going on here is a concerted effort by the Left to completely eradicate any semblance of male-oriented groups or organizations that practice exclusivity.  This is very similar to the whole Citadel situation where a girl who wanted to enter that military school for young men enlisted the help of a host of Leftist feminist lawyers and NOW to combat the “rampant sexism” that was involved in the traditionally male-oriented school and finally, after lawsuits and court challenges, won the “right” to enter the school’s program as its first female…ONLY TO DROP OUT WITHIN A MONTH OF HER ENROLLMENT BECAUSE IT WAS TOO HARD.

Now, we have a host of other questions that begin to pop up.  Will transgender boys be forced to be admitted into the Girl Scouts or will the Leftists just move to make that organization extinct and merge the two into one transgender community?

How about the programs and the badges to be earned?  Will the standards for which boys earn the rewards (or badges) be lowered to accommodate the new entries of female Boy Scouts?  After all, the physical standards of women in the military, in the police academy and in the firefighter’s courses are lowered significantly in order to allow more women to be able to pass the physical.

Girls are now part of four scouting programs — Venturing and Sea Scouting, geared toward outdoor activities; Exploring, a career-oriented mentoring program; and STEM, focusing on science and math. But those programs have not offered a path to Eagle Scout for girls.

Earlier this year, the National Organization for Women urged the Boy Scouts to admit girls to the entire program, supporting the efforts of a New York teenager, Sydney Ireland, to attain the rank of Eagle Scout, as her older brother did.

“I just want to do what the Boy Scouts do — earn the merit badges and earn the Eagle Award,” she told NBC News. “The Girl Scouts is a great organization, but it’s just not the program that I want to be part of. I think girls should just have the opportunity to be a member of any organization they want regardless of gender.”

In the past, the Girl Scouts have been cool to the idea of admitting girls into the Boy Scouts, citing research that showed many girls learn best in an all-female environment.

“We are unparalleled in our ability to build great female leaders who contribute to society at every level,” said Andrea Bastiani Archibald, a psychologist who helps guide the Girl Scouts.

So, the moral of the story is that with perseverance over decades by the Left, threats of lawsuits, the testimony of a psychologist and a whole lot of anti-male rhetoric from the FNIC, we have arrived at a day where, as the Kinks once sang, “Boys will be girls and girls will be boys…”

I’m depressed.

Source:  NBC News



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