Nov. 14th, 1914: The Ottoman Empire Declares Jihad on France, Britain, Serbia, Russia

From reports:

On November 14, 1914, the religious leader Sheikh-ul-Islam declared an Islamic holy war in Constantinople in the capitol of the Ottoman Empire on behalf of the Ottoman government. He compelled his Muslim followers to go to war against Britain, France, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro in World War I.

“Of those who go to the Jihad for the sake of happiness and salvation of the believers in God’s victory,” the sheik said in his declaration, “the lot of those who remain alive is felicity, while the rank of those who depart to the next world is martyrdom. In accordance with God’s beautiful promise, those who sacrifice their lives to give life to the truth will have honor in this world, and their latter end is paradise.”

As a note as this writer writes this.  Bernie Sanders has just announced he would take in at least 44,000 or more refugees on American soil.  Hillary is talking around the taking of refugees-just like a Clinton to give a non answer.

If these Democrats win the election, God help America.

France, and this date will forever mean something to western civilization.  Whether it was the wake-up call needed to sway the American people to elect a President and congressmen who will protect the citizens at any cost, remains to be seen.

Source: Daily Caller

Photo: Wikicommons



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