The Country of Sweden has enjoyed a reputation of magnanimous tranquility for decades. Famous for their WWII neutrality. being the home of Alfred Nobel, ABBA, Ikea and The Pirate bay.
Now, Sweden is becoming the hotbed of Euro-masochistic policies gone awry.
When great empires have fallen, it was usually form the inside. Years of compromise followed by appeasement yields a backbone of jelly that quickly collapses under the weight of an enraged populace.
The populations are nor wrong in their wroth, they are merely reacting to the incompetence of their political leaders.
Pseudo well meaning types wave in so-called refugees form the lands of jihad and then when the burden of their “compassion” becomes too handle, they tax their citizens to the breaking point.
Please see the next page for Norway’s reaction to Sweden’s capitulation.
Europe did it to the Native americans Karmas a bitch
Editorial opinions sound good. The effect would be a lot better from a professional meme generator if they had better proof-reading. “…wroth …” on the first page and at least two “it’s” instead of “its” on the second page create the semblance of illiteracy on the part of the author.
I have family there they can’t leave their houses at night anymore this story is 100% fact.
They have done this to themselves. First they put themselves in financial ruin, so familes begin to have less children. Then people leaving the country for better life out number of population growth, so they bring in refugees by the thousands in hopes to get them to assimilate and be part of their culture. well there you have it. Starts with economic problems and then worse.
I agree, the people there are smarter than most of the corrupt government. Bring good hard working Christians here, leave the cold frozen tundra of no work to the muslims…
Get rid of them
Ray O. Boose Yes, this is not some conspiracy theory, they flat out admit it.
Nick Slater It is people like Sanders that have made Sweden what it is today, they plan to do it here.
And of course it will have to be U.S. Military that purges the islam infection from Europe.
Adan Torres I will take socialist Swedes over conservative moslem any day of the week. If you would not, you’ve learned nothing. We can re-educate leftist Swedes, nothing can fix a moslem.