The Country of Sweden has enjoyed a reputation of magnanimous tranquility for decades. Famous for their WWII neutrality. being the home of Alfred Nobel, ABBA, Ikea and The Pirate bay.
Now, Sweden is becoming the hotbed of Euro-masochistic policies gone awry.
When great empires have fallen, it was usually form the inside. Years of compromise followed by appeasement yields a backbone of jelly that quickly collapses under the weight of an enraged populace.
The populations are nor wrong in their wroth, they are merely reacting to the incompetence of their political leaders.
Pseudo well meaning types wave in so-called refugees form the lands of jihad and then when the burden of their “compassion” becomes too handle, they tax their citizens to the breaking point.
Please see the next page for Norway’s reaction to Sweden’s capitulation.
Steve Lewis
You have to wonder why the adherents to the same religion up and leave the countries they supposedly so Revere to move to other countries that are in direct opposition to their religious beliefs.
Tinoka Pipoca
Linda Ells McDiarmid Sweet. We can feed them as we shoot them as we feed them. lol
It’s time to tell Obama hell no and it time for the government to send the refugees back we the American people demand for the impeachment of Obama administration for treason and putting the American people in dangerous conditions in our own country, if this is not enough to do so then what is, it time to wake the hell up people and get out and vote for Donald Trump for president of the United States of America, and only then this will happen taking back our country with god and Donald Trump all the way to the white house Mr president Donald Trump (((((( 2016 )))))))
Connie Clark
Only possible solution to obtain lasting peace:
Remove every vestige of Islam from free society, and confine it into its own territories.
Can’t say we didn’t warn you like…
Notice Rose wasn’t saying anything when Bush did this to us on 911.
Hmmmmm,,,,,The folks who advocate the policies which nearly collapsed the World economy are now say Sweden is collapsing, The one really big problem is that Sweden was just determined to be one of the top 10 stable economies on the planet.
Guess maybe you got it wrong again?