The Country of Sweden has enjoyed a reputation of magnanimous tranquility for decades. Famous for their WWII neutrality. being the home of Alfred Nobel, ABBA, Ikea and The Pirate bay.
Now, Sweden is becoming the hotbed of Euro-masochistic policies gone awry.
When great empires have fallen, it was usually form the inside. Years of compromise followed by appeasement yields a backbone of jelly that quickly collapses under the weight of an enraged populace.
The populations are nor wrong in their wroth, they are merely reacting to the incompetence of their political leaders.
Pseudo well meaning types wave in so-called refugees form the lands of jihad and then when the burden of their “compassion” becomes too handle, they tax their citizens to the breaking point.
Please see the next page for Norway’s reaction to Sweden’s capitulation.
Stan Davis Yes contraction man, there are polar bears. The world has those and muffins, and roofing nails and alarm clocks and many other wonderful things. If you wish to do more than ad hominem responses and following it by naming random objects, you can try responding with some form of cogent response. This would include an idea preface, followed by some sited sources for facts. You get one more chance to defend hour ideals, or I will assume I am being trolled or you just don’t have the capacity to properly engage in discourse.
Mr Bub…….you said Jesus “rises again from the grave “??????
Jacqs Barry I haven’t heard of that yet. Horrible
Global Christian genocide.
“Hopefully the United States is paying attention.” This is EXACTLY what Obama and his friends want to replicate here! Don’t forget Obama’s heritage. He’s a western-civilization HATER who wants to replace our system of free-enterprise and liberty, as damaged as these things are already, with a totalitarian one-world government. The means to achieve this is to destabilize or force the collapse of governments and the systems that keep the governments operating. That, as any “community organizer” of the Marxist-persuasion knows, is the key to effective change!
Good stand for your country Geneva wont part of New World Order like the UN
Let the pictures speak for themselves… look at how Sweden is heading into complete disarray. I Googled images of the Swedish city of “Detroit” and its horrific. Any country with a city like that is obviously collapsing.
Detroit is in Sweden right?!
It’s a Holy War waged against the world by Islamic Radicals. All 1.57 Billion of them. Maybe it’s time for World War III. Unleash the US Military! Nuke em all and let God sort em’ out! Which ever God they believe in.
Who are these “us” you speak of? We need to get rid of you and your kind.
He is saying that the population of polar bears has increased from 5000 to 25000 in the past 40 years. But I guess global warming is killing them all off. I am sure you use the 98% of all scientists belive global warming is man made and real. Well this is far fetched to say the least considered the two questions they asked a group. Do some research on this matter and not just what Obama and Rachel Maddow tells you.