The Country of Sweden has enjoyed a reputation of magnanimous tranquility for decades. Famous for their WWII neutrality. being the home of Alfred Nobel, ABBA, Ikea and The Pirate bay.
Now, Sweden is becoming the hotbed of Euro-masochistic policies gone awry.
When great empires have fallen, it was usually form the inside. Years of compromise followed by appeasement yields a backbone of jelly that quickly collapses under the weight of an enraged populace.
The populations are nor wrong in their wroth, they are merely reacting to the incompetence of their political leaders.
Pseudo well meaning types wave in so-called refugees form the lands of jihad and then when the burden of their “compassion” becomes too handle, they tax their citizens to the breaking point.
Please see the next page for Norway’s reaction to Sweden’s capitulation.
All of those countries need to fight back from their invasion….. even if it has to get messy!
Ok so two pages about some preparations for what might happen. What a waste of time.
are there any men left in sweden? defend your homes – defend your culture, your women and your rights……
200,000 in a small country makes a huge difference!
I disagree Francisco, quit taking any refugees, make Sweden clean up their own mess. Make the Syrian men go back and fight with the Syrian rebels to liberate themselves. Then develop a coalition to eliminate ISIS.
That cannot be! These are the countries so dear to the Democratic Socialists. They are always talking about how great they are, and how we should be just like them.
Ralph Johnston amen. Cowards
How will the Bernie Sanders crowd copw with this now that their favorite socialist paradise is, ‘ gasp’….racist?
Yeah…good old stable economic Europe…what with the Euro-economic crisis of 2015, austerity riots, multiple terror attacks, deflation wrecking the economy. So Europe, a continent has more fortune 500 companies than the US, a single nation? Wow, who knew? Check your facts, man. Additionaly, maybe we’re not discussing a doomsday scenario, maybe we are talking about things that have ACTUALLY HAPPENED, like in France and Belgium.
Aj Mcculley I checked my facts… obviously you didn’t or are using the Conservative method of looking not at facts, but at facts sanitized by Conservative media. Europe is about the size of the US and has a single economy under the Euro. I didn’t say they didn’t have problems, only theirs weren’t near as pronounced. The Euro Economic Crisis; if you are talking about the debt crisis, that started in 2009 with about 6 countries with all except one being back on solid ground by 2014… Greece is the only country that still had a problem and they should have never been part of the Eurozone. Other countries have had large scale protests, as the US. They have had fewer and their issues get addressed, while we talk about freedom and arrest protesters that dare speak bad about our Government taking order from Big Business over the needs of our country and it’s people. As far as terror; you do realize that you live in a country where there is far greater chance of being shot in a classroom or movie theater or blown up in a Government building than even see a Muslim…. right? In the end the US has an opportunity to look at what is working and what is not and work to a better country, but we don’t. we worry more about public bathrooms than school debts oppressing our economy. We worry more about school prayer than a Congress refusing to do one of the things they bound by the Constitution to do. It’s this BS we are doing right now. Our Government should be in the middle, trying to do what is best for everyone, not just the extreme views of niche voters. We are all Americans, and we are treating each other like enemies. We have enemies, AJ, but it’s not the two of us, and it’s not Muslims.