Over a decade’s time, North Korea has built an elaborate underground missile complex at their Sohae missile and space launch facility, which lies near the northwestern border with China.
North Korean has always transported missiles and space launchers by open rail cars, which permitted the U.S. to keep close watch.
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Where does BS like this come from????? Does anyone research stories like this before they post it?
Talk about a moron, where did you go to school? They should not have p$#%&!@*ed you as you’re still DUMB AS a rock. Learn proper spelling and grammar and you just might get taken seriously.
Nuke them now
Amen brother. Its going to be up to We the People to bring about the change our country needs.
Greg Veitenheimer – I think you nailed it! The biggest terrorist threat this country faces is Obama…he should be in prison!
Thank you Obama you idiot
Wake up call
It’s a shame that your party wouldn’t allow our president to do his job! Dumb$#%&!@*es!!! How’s it feel to be conned? bet you still don’t see it do ya? Feel the Bernnn!
Fear mongering is your parties strength! Frick morons!
Randy Petrey if we wouldn’t have guys like Trey Gowdy and Ted Curz trying to stop that Muslim Terrorist Obama!!! He would already have sold America out to the Muslim Terrorist Country’s like Iran!!! Right for Obama’s mouth he supports Muslims over Christians,Jews, & Americans!!!! So if doing his job is destroying America!!! Hell Yes we need the stop that Terrorist Obama at all cost!!!