Over a decade’s time, North Korea has built an elaborate underground missile complex at their Sohae missile and space launch facility, which lies near the northwestern border with China.
North Korean has always transported missiles and space launchers by open rail cars, which permitted the U.S. to keep close watch.
See Page 2:
They find an underground base but lose fifty subs…
Since China is supplying North Korea, Japan intervenes. China convinces Japan to not intervene, but Japan spread sent a fleet into the Persian Golf.
Japan releases Godzilla.
Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Israel team up to fight against the threat.
Godzilla wins and walks back into the ocean.
Since China is supplying North Korea, Japan intervenes. China convinces Japan to not intervene, but Japan already sent a fleet into the Persian Golf.
Japan releases Godzilla.
Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Israel team up to fight against the threat.
Godzilla wins and walks back into the ocean.
Give Iran a few years, and they’ll have the same thing.
N. Korea is really going to town aren’t they?
WWIII IS fixing to start.
Everybody is on the Campaign Trail!!! While Barack Obama is Destroying America Today!!! He is making Deals Terrorist Country’s Like Iran!!! He is selling out America to the “UN”!!!! The Illegal Alien Amnesty & Mexican Border is a Joke!!! Obama is turning our back on our Good Allies like Israel!!! Even sending them Threats all while supporting Muslim Terrorist!!! When the Obamacare excise Tax Kicks in it will cripple America!!! The cuts Obama is making Cuts to our Military!!! While allowing our Enemies to grow theirs like Korea,Iran,China, & Russia!!! Is going to Leave America Vulnerable and Defenseless to Attacks!!! Barack Obama has yet to prove he is a American Citizen??? Why is he allowed to Seal his Records??? Why is Hillary Clinton not in jail yet??? Everybody thought that things would change when the Republicans took control of the Senate & House!!! That is a complete Joke!!! The Leadership we Get from John Boehner & Mitch McConnell is a Disgrace and a Joke!!! Three Quarters of our Government should be fired for not doing their Jobs and wasting Tax Payers Money!!! And Barack Obama should be Impeached and in Jail for Fraud & Treason!!! Why is our Tax Dollars still going to the Baby Killers “Planned Parent Hood!! The Election will Mean nothing if The United States of America is Destroyed before then!!!
Well Da!!!
Great !