Over a decade’s time, North Korea has built an elaborate underground missile complex at their Sohae missile and space launch facility, which lies near the northwestern border with China.
North Korean has always transported missiles and space launchers by open rail cars, which permitted the U.S. to keep close watch.
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Here u go
And dont forget our very own spoiled temper tantum throwing. Childish idiot in charge…..only way you can tell them apart is that stupid haircut the Korean has.
Yha “discovered”
Where are all the submarines 70% of them are missing and can’t be found
But he is bat$#%&!@* crazy…..NEVER UNDERESTIMATE CRAZY……we have our own bat$#%&!@* crazy ‘leaders’. Pit Cray Cray against Cray Cray you get nuclear war.
What is up with these nut cases…don’t do this it might just destruct the whole fkn planet with you all in it now is this smart you have to ask yourself
this looks just like the bushes version of obama ladden’s complex in Iraq or was it Afghanistan or wait i guess they said they shot someone that looked like a muslim in Pakistan ! lmao what a freaking joke people your looking like sheep to the slaughter !
Well, lets say if North Korea did make the 1st strike. They forget about South Korea and China opens a path for them through Afghanistan and Pakistan. North Korea will invade those countries and occupy them. They’ll ignore Iran… And march through Iraq and chase ISIS back into Syria… North Korea will give Iraq to Iran and continue to invade and conquer Syria. North Korea destroys ISIS and occupies Syria… Now Saudi Arabia will have a problem on their hands because Iran and Korea are teamed up.
you do relize the elite would never under any cir$#%&!@*stance allow these morons to be in charge of anything there just doing what there told like puppets and your eating it up like kids and candy