Each year the South Korean military and elements of the U.S. forces hold joint exercises in the vicinity of the South that last for about a month or so. This is nothing new. It’s also nothing new for North Korea to object and make threatening remarks regarding their intentions.
Hence, this year’s exercises accompanied by North Korean threats is nothing new Well, other than the fact that each year the North has improved missiles and probably more effective nuclear weapons. This would lead one to wonder if the exercises could turn into the real thing one of these times.
More on page two.
Too bad Pyongyang is so close to South Korea. One well place nuke could shut fat boy up for good.
Can we send the Muslims to him?
Some one kill the fat boy
Send him the movies of the “expendables” that should go it
Bring it on Bitches
Force feed him Farcebook
That fat little child dictator needs to be taught a lesson. He’s not nearly the bad$#%&!@*he thinks he is and he’s screwing with the wrong people. Even Japan could kick his$#%&!@*and if they needed any help we would have their back. Someone there needs to talk some sense to this idiot!
Suuure just like.
They will die.