Each year the South Korean military and elements of the U.S. forces hold joint exercises in the vicinity of the South that last for about a month or so. This is nothing new. It’s also nothing new for North Korea to object and make threatening remarks regarding their intentions.
Hence, this year’s exercises accompanied by North Korean threats is nothing new Well, other than the fact that each year the North has improved missiles and probably more effective nuclear weapons. This would lead one to wonder if the exercises could turn into the real thing one of these times.
More on page two.
These illegal immigrants are not awake.
You evidently have a death wish little boy.
President Trump, just take him out allready.
I doubt if he dies in bed
Why are we waiting to attack? To much b******t going on in the political parties? Distracting the people from the real threat?
Emp them to glass
That petty dictator reminds me of a little dog. He nips at your ankles until you get ticked off and kick him in the$#%&!@*
These illegal immigrants are not awake and are certainly annihilating themselves.