North Korea: We Will Strike U.S. and South Korea Without Warning

It’s not just the United States that is the recipient of threats from North Korea. Japan is in the mix as well. While Japan’s constitution, written after World War II places limits on its military capabilities, there is nothing to stop the country from changing that to allow the development and use of more offensive weapons. One would mistaken to assume Japan has not developed the technology to rearm very quickly, and use those weapons to take out any threat from North Korea.

So the mix is there for war to start very quickly and turn very ugly with the use of nuclear weapons by more than one nation. Don’t forget that China has a major interest in all of this. There is very little to be encouraged about when it comes to the conflict on the Korean peninsula.

Here’s an example of the tensions that exist:

“They should be mindful that the [North Korean Army] will deal deadly blows without prior warning any time as long as the… troops of the US and South Korean puppet forces involved in the ‘special operation’ and ‘preemptive attack’ targeting the DPRK remain deployed in and around South Korea,” North Korean news agency KCNA said on Sunday, citing a statement from the General Staff of the Korean People’s Army (KPA).

“The KPA will not remain a passive onlooker to hordes of robbers trying to hurt our people with daggers,” it added.

North Korea makes threats all the time, especially when the U.S. and the South are engaged in military exercises. So there is a natural tendency to just ignore all of this talk as just so much hot air. Nevertheless, the advanced weapons the North are creating are real. And while they’re not the most reliable things ever made, they are making progress. And their conventional forces are nothing to trifle with.

The situation can perhaps best be summed up as follows:

Pyongyang considers joint war games staged by its southern neighbor and its American allies, which often involve scenarios of fighting against North Korean troops, provocative and threatening. It says its opponents are rehearsing for war and regularly threatens them with retaliation.

It also cites the presence of tens of thousands of enemy troops in the region to justify its development of nuclear weapons and rocket technologies.

The situation in the region remains tense amid the North Korean military build-up, South Korea’s regular drills, and heated rhetoric from both sides.

While none of this is new, that also illustrates the volatile nature of the situation between the nations that are still technically at war. Perhaps at some point one party might make a miscalculation, and the unthinkable will become reality.

Source: RT




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