Some things never change. One example is North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un and his endless idle threats to destroy the United States with nuclear Armageddon right after Pyongyang manages to make a rocket that can actually lift off the pad and travel a few miles.
The director of North Korea’s Atomic Energy Institute said the country was ready to counter any US hostility with ‘nuclear weapons any time’.
Clearly, this spokesperson has been taking lessons from White House Press man Josh Earnest. He sports excellent ‘baseless blustery boastfulness’.
He said scientists had ‘made innovations day by day’ to ‘guarantee the reliability of the nuclear deterrent… as required by the prevailing situation’.
If you are shaking in your boots now, read more blather on the next page:
Nuke them first
Take out this little chubby punk and the rest will fall in line.
Dictator Kim Jong should consider changing his name to “Juan Dom Fok”……….
I think I remember Bill Clinton giving N. Korea 8 Billion, to stop his efforts to Nuclear development
Fat p***k ,could hurt a fly has to have someone else do it for him ,bet he still has a wet nurse to ! I said it come and get me$#%&!@*
Did everyone forget that 70% of north Korea subs disappeared about 2 weeks ago and the US cant find them
Send Rambo & Clint over also. lmbo.
He’s F. A. S. & crazy in the head big time. Some one has to do something asap.
Go a head make our day guess what happens no more north korea
Lol Chuck Norris will save America!