Some things never change. One example is North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un and his endless idle threats to destroy the United States with nuclear Armageddon right after Pyongyang manages to make a rocket that can actually lift off the pad and travel a few miles.
The director of North Korea’s Atomic Energy Institute said the country was ready to counter any US hostility with ‘nuclear weapons any time’.
Clearly, this spokesperson has been taking lessons from White House Press man Josh Earnest. He sports excellent ‘baseless blustery boastfulness’.
He said scientists had ‘made innovations day by day’ to ‘guarantee the reliability of the nuclear deterrent… as required by the prevailing situation’.
If you are shaking in your boots now, read more blather on the next page:
kill him.
This happens with a traitor president .
Its time for him to be erased
I’m sure Obama has paid them to say that to get Iran out of the news for a minute
Time to make an example for the world to see. Make N. Krea a footnote in history and let the world know that this is the answer to any threats to America! Get rid of the cockroaches of the world, one by one!
We need to start cleaning house globally. We might as well start with little fat p***k.. know what I mean ! Lol
This is what happens when you negotiate with terrorist.
He’s a joke. All he does is threaten. By the time that nuke is in the air we’d blow it up.
This terrorist kills his own family. North Korea is dangerous & Iran. to America.Obama is out of line. he needs to pack bags and get out.
Lets blow him to kingdom come! Useless little wannabe!!!!!!!!!!