When it comes to foreign conflicts, our attention is frequently drawn to the Middle-East since the area is in a state of perpetual war, one in which we are involved. It is also a flashpoint for potential conflicts with Russia as we have conflicting interests there. Or at least we did under the Obama administration. While that focus is understandable and appropriate, there is another part of the world that technically remains in a state of war.
Of course, we’re referring to North and South Korea that ended their conflict not with a peace treaty, but with a cease-fire agreement — one which has more or less held for over 60 years. That’s a long time to still be at war. You would think that in that amount of time, some sort of peace treaty should have been possible. Not so. And with the current North Korean dictator, resumption of hostilities seems more likely than any permanent peace.
More on what hostilities might be about to be released on page two.
Was this DIPS HIT educated in an American University in NEW YORK CITY? I guess UNIVERSITIES only produce TERRORISTS these days.
This little fool is going to start something he can’t undo!!
Find lil Kim’s location and drop one on him! If China or Russia want to challenge our choice, so be it! They keep pushing and pushing anyway! I got one, have had enough, let’s do it!
Oh for the love of Pete will someone just eliminate this wack job already?? Uggg
They produce liberal communist socialists!
Somebody needs to whack this baby faced bastard!!
I think a good wake up call for China would be carpet bombing north korea. If China wants to be a global leader maybe they should keep their snott nose step brother in check
Go for it fat boy!
Send the rockets