Everyone is familiar with the saying “don’t bite the hand that feeds you.” Well, perhaps everyone except for Kim Jong Un and the North Korean government. Heck, they don’t even abide by the rule “don’t threaten to nuke the hand that feeds you.”
At the same time that the Hermit Kingdom is threatening the United States, Japan, South Korea, and other nations with nuclear annihilation, they are also asking for roughly half a million tons of food from those nations.
On Monday, the North Korean government wrote an editorial in Rodong Sinmun, the state-controlled national newspaper, warning citizens to brace for famine and economic hardship—as though they haven’t already been suffering for decades.
The delusional leaders inside the reclusive communist state obviously feel it is more important to rattle their sabers at the West and their neighbors by firing ballistic missiles into the Sea of Japan and boasting about nuking Manhattan than to be able to feed their own people.
To read excerpts from the Rodong Sinmun and learn more about how many millions were killed in the 1990s North Korean famine, continue on the next page.
In other words tomorrow is just another day
Wrong!. They are mentaly preparing innocent habitants for their oun “fucked upness”!!!. Again lies which are turned upon the innocent!. Fucked up!!!
Their on borrowed time and the clock is ticking.
China should have done more than keep such a long leash on him for so many years. The had their chance, and he has had his. I am sad that it comes to this. Perhaps, we are partly to blame as well, we have not been much of a Country to be a model for others.
Ya that makes sense blame us after all we keep his peasants hungry and keep threatening to nuke his nieghbors moron
Its time to stop fat boy
I’m tired of hearing about this$#%&!@* Just blow them all to hell already!!!!
You can bet the US has there eye on fat boy !!
Barry Quigley Sr
So your saying your a Russian loving Communist who thinks you control our new President? Your sadly mistaken. We voted out the$#%&!@*Muslim, now you don’t know how to act around a real leader. Go grow up. Stop drinking Koolaide. Put on some big boy pants and use your brain for once instead of what people tell you!