The United States is in “frenzied hysteria” to unleash a nuclear war, according to North Korea’s Foreign Minister Lee Su-yong. In a statement this past Monday, Su-yong said Pyonguyang would without hesitation use their nuclear weapons and have “fully transferred our army from the form of military response to the form of delivering a pre-emptive strike.”
This month alone, North Korea has made other threats, similar to their statement that it “faces the dilemma: a thermonuclear war or peace.” The propaganda video entitled “Last Chance” was released over the weekend, portraying a nuclear attack on Washington D.C.
The four-minute video offers highlights on the history of US-Korean relations and ends with a digitally manipulated sequence showing a missile slamming down in front of the Lincoln Memorial. The US Capitol building explodes in the impact and a message appears on the screen in Korean: “If US imperialists budge an inch toward us, we will immediately hit them with nuclear (weapons).” Temper, temper lil’ Kim, reports Truth and Action.
Is Kim Jung-un crazy enough to follow through with his threats? He certainly is drunk on his perceived power and has dangerous toys in his arsenal. Read more on the next page about the N. Korean threat and their continued testing of ballistic missiles.
They can hit California now. And, there’s always the threat of an EMP.
They’ll hit us before then. And Trump will be taken out due to his mouth. Racist comments that are totally uncalled for and his tyrant acts has put a bullseye on his back.
He’s as crazy as his father..
Exactly right Carol.
China is feeding them arms to escalate threats to us. Could very well be a world ending event they bomb us we bomb them china bombs us very unsettleing
Get it done – so that Americans will wake-up and smell the radiation coming toward them and the true colors of this President when he laugh in Americans faces while in his bunker and War begins.
I understand they might be able to hit California but i believe we would shoot the bomb outta the sky before it even gets close to us
Don’t be so sure of that……
Chubby Mcnugget only cares about himself being able to eat. Lol
But he wasn’t so brave.. With a weak president, your enemies get stronger. Hopefully, he will get some common sense.