Donald Trump arrived in the White House will a full plate of left-overs as a gift from the Obama administration. While engaging in military adventures in Libya and Syria which are nations representing no credible threat to the United States, Mr. Obama was derelict in his dealings with North Korea. This is a country with an unstable megalomaniac as its leader. Unlike Libya, North Korea is a nation that is a developing nuclear power that does make bellicose remarks and threats against the United States including threats of attacking us with nuclear weapons. It’s difficult to imagine a more misguided foreign policy.
More on page two.
Any idiot who pays 35 thousand to learn something for free…should lose it..
Karl Hauss, and as far as him being so filthy rich, all we have is this lying bastards word that he has a lot of money since he’s too chickenshit to release his tax returns
Uranium deal was done without congress or american people knowing of it….more people dislike hillary than trump…
Tony Ray, did you read the article or are you just giving more of your fact free opinions?
James Henry
Someone chugs the Media Cool Aide
Do you ever have anything but anonymous source?
40 years of tearing this country upside down by the fool presidents we have had trump now has to deal with he is not a politician he is a businessman, you don’t have enough sense to know the truth trump can and will put this country back on track with the constitution, and if he can’t you sir have the American people to deal with and your not going to like the outcome of the cival war you fool liberals are pushing for, you take some time and think about that
This is to try and scare the American Public sorry not going to work0