North Korea Broadcasts ‘Coded Message to Sleeper Agents’

North Korea is an unstable nation, led by an unstable dictator, that is developing nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them, and which makes threats to use those nuclear weapons on the United States.  Hence, the Obama administration has focused its attention on nations such as Libya and Syria.  The day that Mr. Obama is no longer setting foreign policy for the US cannot come too soon.

Adding to concern is news that North Korea is broadcasting what is being characterized as “coded messages.”

North Korea has broadcast a ‘coded message’ to sleeper agents on state radio – sparking fears of an imminent attack.

The announcement was made as part of a cryptic broadcast and analysts believe it is a ‘book cipher’ for agents in foreign countries.

The radio announcer said: ‘(I’m giving) chemistry review work to No 21 expedition agents,’ before continuing with the numbers, which spies can decode using a reference book.

A lot of times this sort of thing is done to create a diversion and means nothing.  In that case, it’s an attempt to confuse opponents.  But sometimes it’s for real.

Similar broadcasts were reportedly made on November 6 and 11 and the latest is the 14th since June.

A source in the South Korean ministry told the Daily Star that their neighbours could launch an attack ‘at any time’.

They have also detected many missiles moving around the country.

Here’s what could add to the risk.  If Kim Jong-un is really as ill as the following report claims, could he decide to go out in a blaze of glory?

Meanwhile, at the weekend it emerged that North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un has a team of 130 top scientists battling to keep him alive.

Defector Hyeong-soo Kim, Mr Kim, who fled North Korea in 2009, has said a mysterious Longevity Institute works to the sole purpose of preserving the leader’s health.

Kim Jong-un is renowned for his indulgent diet, and due to his love of fine food and wine, French cheeses, and huge meals, he has piled on the pounds since he came to power.

This means the scientists are facing a constant fight to keep the leader’s cardiovascular disease and diabetes at bay.

Is he really that ill?  In a closed nation such as North Korea, it’s impossible to know for sure.  What can be known for sure, however, is that this North Korean dictator is no friend to the people of the US.

Source:  The Daily Mail



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