Democrat judges have once again interjected partisan politics into the voting process. The recent tendency to broaden the number of days when people can vote to ridiculous spans, to allow same-day registration, and to permit out-of-precinct voting are all excellent techniques to encourage voter fraud. The biggest Democratic scheme, however, is to insist that no one should have to show a photo ID to vote. That may have been appropriate when precinct captains knew the people living in their precinct and when the nation was not overwhelmed with non-citizens, but it is sheer madness today.
The Democrat party, however, is determined to steal elections where they cannot win the hearts and minds of the people. A federal appeals court of three Democrat judges has declared that the North Caroline voter identification law is discriminatory against primarily black individuals by requiring photo ID.
So the party of slavery and the Ku Klux Klan is trying to make it up to African Americans by making sure these individuals can vote whether they are qualified to vote or not. And they do vote for Democrats at a rate of about 90%, so it is clear what the objective of the judges is.
See page 2 for more legal shenanigans:
Judges msking law sgain. ILLEGAL
Sorry, if I was black, I’d be embarrassed that these judges believe I’m too stupid to get a photo ID that I need for many other instances.
I begin to wonder if even President Trump is going to be able to avoid a Constitutional Revival?
And this is from the DNC convention in Philly last month. ID is required for everything, even to get their fucking food stamps, and usually, state issued photo ID cards are free. Such fucking horse$#%&!@* Our country is soooo fucked I think it may be too late even for Trump to fix$#%&!@*
I would love the luxury of having faith in our system but the corruption has run so deep into every branch and level of our government it no longer allows me to . Hence my reasoning in saying this is the time for a revolution nothing short of that will change a thing .
Not to forget increasing the number of days after death a voter is still allowed to vote for their favorite democrat.
I think it outrageous that they wouldn’t let the dead people vote, but they’ll let non citizens vote.
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, cheaters??????????????
They were doing so good too. People of NC, just vote no on all judges even if they run unopposed it will send a message.