Democrat and Republican liberals alike often excoriate those who think that welfare programs should not be parceled out indiscriminately, but should require something from the recipients. Back when Bill Clinton was fighting impeachment, he actually signed on to a welfare for work program, and amazingly, the welfare roles shrank!
It turns out that if people can get stuff for free, without having to do anything for it, they will. That should not be a surprise. The other thing liberals will have us believe is that welfare recipients have no responsibility for their situation. While that is certainly true in some cases, there are many more that result from poor decisions and behavior.
Starting late last year, North Carolina began requiring drug testing of new applicants for a state welfare program. A number of politicians decried the requirement as unfair, saying that it was too costly, and that it was onerous to those who would be required to take the test. The test was not universal and applied only to one program, but the results were quite surprising.
See test results on page 2:
Look at it this way, if we drug test and they test positive, it may save children from being raised by drug abusers.
Ok. So when does it become NATIONAL procedure? How about Louisiana? Can we start yesterday? Not just New applicants though. How about EVERYBODY that gets free money from the taxpayers of this great state and nation.
as long as people try to drug test other people someone will come up with a way around it and at $80 a pop now we’re not only paying for the welfare checks were paying for the drug testing as well, and this is a government Trojan Horse if the government can drug test them they can drug test anyone anytime witch is sooooo unconstitutional so how about stop giving foodstamps and welfare to those who are able to work and if they do get it put a time limit on it problem solved
About time some one does
Should be law in all states.
Is it a written test?
Excellent just like people that go for job apps
You can’t get loaded now how’s it feel
Why doesn’t members of congress-state and federal have to get drug tested? We all do. Why aren’t they?
Paul brown. I love your post. Couldn’t have said it better.