Democrat and Republican liberals alike often excoriate those who think that welfare programs should not be parceled out indiscriminately, but should require something from the recipients. Back when Bill Clinton was fighting impeachment, he actually signed on to a welfare for work program, and amazingly, the welfare roles shrank!
It turns out that if people can get stuff for free, without having to do anything for it, they will. That should not be a surprise. The other thing liberals will have us believe is that welfare recipients have no responsibility for their situation. While that is certainly true in some cases, there are many more that result from poor decisions and behavior.
Starting late last year, North Carolina began requiring drug testing of new applicants for a state welfare program. A number of politicians decried the requirement as unfair, saying that it was too costly, and that it was onerous to those who would be required to take the test. The test was not universal and applied only to one program, but the results were quite surprising.
See test results on page 2:
I have read several different articles on this by several different people. They verbally and paper screened 7600 people . Of the 7600 that were screened and admitted to past / current drug use 159 were said they had to be tested. Only 89 showed up to be tested. Out of that 89 , 21 tested positive……..that means almost 24 percent of the actual people tested posative. Does not take a rocket scientist to figure that out.
They look pretty health to me
All cities and states should do this.
Danny Mcclain, I’m not sure about your state, or any other for that matter, but I do know that here in Colorado anyone who is registered with the Work Force Center can enroll in a class and get their GED free of charge to them and volunteer work isn’t required by those families that work and still can’t make ends meet. We don’t want to deny assistance for those who are truly in need, just to those people who are playing the system.
As an example, Colorado recently did a long overdue audit of the foodstamp system and discovered that there are (hopefully were at this point) people who are receiving foodstamps the had balances of several thousand dollars on their EBT cards, some as high as $20,000, and that is not a misprint. I’m sure that we can agree that if a person can amass that sum of money on their EBT cards then they are not in any dire need of the assistance and that it would be better spent on someone who really does.
Of course no one should starve. There is too much food and money available to feed our populations. But these people keep producing child after child after child and expecting the working, taxpaying people to support their behavior for life.
Welfare is a temporary means of helping people get back on their feet. These people noted here do not seem to understand that welfare is a privilege and an assistance tactic. There should be limits on how long one can collect, and there should be restrictions of those illegally in this country from receiving welfare benefits.
They need to get the illegals of welfare
If they test positive they need to have their benefits revoked.
That’s great!!!! People have to take drug tests to get a job. Those who. Work pay for Welfare receipients. These people should be held to the same requiorments as those who WORK for a living.
I agree it should be RANDOM testing and volunteer work should be applied to those who are capable
I have had random drug testing on me just about my whole adult life for employers and they seem to think that it’s a good way to screen employees and I have to work for my money but it’s accurate or fair for people getting money for doing nothing