“Because of the very nature of the way that Cheyenne Mountain’s built, it’s EMP-hardened,” states Admiral William Gortney, former head of NORAD and Northern Command. “And so, there’s a lot of movement to put capability into Cheyenne Mountain and to be able to communicate in there,” Gortney continued.
The Pentagon announced in 2015 that the Raytheon Corporation would receive a $700 million contract to prep the Cheyenne Mountain base in Colorado for the return of US aerospace command, having abandoned it in 2006 for the Petersen Air Force base in Colorado Springs.
Well duh! We are all too busy listening to arguments about flags, cakes and whether or not Bruce Jenner is a man or a woman. Baaaaa baaaa
Believe it or not we Are NOT STUPID….,We Will know,,,,,,
Don’t expect anyone to save you just prepare, not like you haven’t been warned. Really.
Its always been underground you sheep… at fort carson
Big city now I hear.
Get use to primative life style.
Seems to me, they have orchestrated this entire situation. It has been this Evil Administration goal all along,not kill as many people as they can.
Subteranian wars!
What about this winged planet/thing(Nibiru?) that has just been unvieled by NASA. supposed to be here the end of september…..Another reason to hole up…..and the monetary colapse….getting ready for a civil war.
This is what thus administration has done to all of us deliberately.