Last week in Germany at the 65th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting, Ivar Giaever, a Norwegian scientist who won the Nobel Prize in physics back in 1973, says that Obama is getting some “bad advice” on climate change and that it’s time for politicians to give up their “new religion.”
Darrell global warming is a socialist hoax! It’s to make US less powerful and to redistribute the wealth because most other countries have nothing. As far as California it’s liberal policies that have destroyed our water supply. Why are we pumping water into the delta for a 3 inch fish? Why are we giving so much water to crops that weren’t meant to grow in the climate of California or the west. Just like cotton farmers in the Arizona desert getting so much water from the Colorado river? It’s a joke grow cotton in the south where it rains on a regular basis. And how do you know what the climate is supposed to be since they have only tracking weather for how long here around 100 years when the earth has been here for millions of years. A pretty small sample size don’t you think! First the earth was going to freeze in the 70’s then it was global warming and now it’s climate change. How many times do you have to change the narrative to convince people of something.
I’m surprised he’s still breathing
The ignorance in the page is enormous.
One scientists opinion doesn’t disprove the countless many who have proven beyond a reasonable doubt that climate change exists.
God bless and protect you
Read your Holy Bible, it is all in there.
He’ll probably end up dead like so many others.
so why aren’t the other countries listening to this guy? they are all drinking the same koolaid
Now hell have to join the Witness Protection Program.
So why doesn’t , say, China , India, or others have to comply? Because you can extort $ from working Americans with no recouse! That says IF man can fix this, U.S. Does all the heavy lifting again!