There will be no memorial for Alexandra Mezher, the twenty-two year old Swedish woman, who was employed at an asylum center and was killed by a fifteen-year old migrant. She was hurried to the nearby hospital after the stabbing, but perished from her wounds, as previously shared on Truth and Action.
The local government, in the town where this asylum center is located, refused to permit a memorial service for this young worker, because they fear it will upset the refugees.
There is no concern for the broken hearts of the victim’s friends and families and the healing that occurs through memorial services. By not allowing the service, they capitulate to the refugee culture out of fear. The government is manipulated by the immigrant population, because of their erratic and hostile behavior, so they allow themselves to be bullied and bully their own citizens.
This is our way out of this nightmare of Islamization.
Contrary to conventional stupidity, Islam is NOT protected under the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America. Is there anyone left in the three branches of government today that can interpret our most sacred document (the Declaration of Independence not withstanding) correctly?
Like in Christendom, where the exegesis and hermeneutics of certain passages of scripture are often skewed to conform to a particular ideology, agenda, or belief system, so too has the clear and concise language of the Constitution and the 27 Amendments progressively undergone exegetical attacks over the decades—depending on which party is in power—to conform to a particular political ideology.
But this is one hermeneutical battle America can ill afford to lose. Our founding principles, i.e. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness hang in the balance. In short—our country’s very survival depends on it.
America faces a grave threat from Islam. Muslims are infiltrating our country in droves and they’re doing it under the guise of “Constitutional Protection.” And like England, if we don’t stand our ground now, it will be too late. Muslims are cunning, crafty and clever. They’re using our ignorance of the understanding of our own Constitution against us, and they are clandestinely and methodically spreading their freedom-snatching tentacles in a quiet and unassuming manner.
Federal, state, and local governments on the other hand won’t acknowledge the imminent threat. They incorrectly claim that Muslims have “Constitutional Rights” to come here, proselytize people, build mosques, and implement Shariah Law in their communities and in the public square. They’re dead wrong! And by and large, Islam is getting away with it just like they have in Europe. Only unlike in Europe and Great Britain in particular, where many local non-Muslim citizens now live in perpetual fear and oppression, it’s not too late to stem the tide, but we have to act now. Time is not on our side. In fact, this may come as a shock, but there are more mosques being built on American soil than Christian churches. We are already well under way to being Islamized.
To understand Islam is to understand Sharia. The religion of Islam is nothing short of a totalitarian political, economic, military, social and legal system that’s camouflaged in religious garb. Their mandate (not objective) is to incorporate our country into a global Islamic caliphate.
Sadly, they are making serious inroads towards their tyrannical mandate because America is asleep at the wheel. We are all that stands between freedom and a worldwide Islamic caliphate. The United States of America is the world’s last bastion of hope.
Yet, the dreadful message we get from ignorant and incompetent lawmakers is that our Constitution renders us powerless to do anything about it. On the contrary, the Constitution and Declaration of Independence—properly interpreted—actually give our federal, state and local governments justification and authority to stop Islam dead in its tracks!
Here’s How . . .
Islam is NOT a religion. Islam—which stands for “submission” or “surrender”—is a totalitarian form of government that seeks COMPLETE DOMINANCE. It is hellbent on controlling every aspect of the lives of its adherents—a primitive life at that. It masquerades as a monotheistic religion rooted in Old Testament principles, but more appropriately follows the murderous thuggery of it’s founder, Muhammad, a descendent of Ishmael, born 600 years after Christ. Only their modern day tactics now include recruiting mentally ill teenagers and naive and gullible idiots who falsely believe they will be rewarded with 75 virgins if they become suicide bombers. And Western countries indoctrinated with the lies of multiculturalism and political correctness—to their demise—have reluctantly turned a blind eye. But like Communism, Marxism and Socialism, the Constitution of the United States of America empowers us to defeat it.
As lawyer, philosopher and Constitutional constructionist, Publius Huldah, succinctly points out in her paper, “God’s Gift of Unalienable Rights & Article VI of the Constitution: The Sword & Shield to Stop the Islamization of America, “We must understand Our Founding Principles – these are our Sword & Shield – that (1) Rights come from God alone, (2) Muslims do not have the right to divest us of our Rights, and (3) the purpose of civil government is to secure the Rights God gave us.”
What are our Rights, and where do they come from? The Constitution? The Bill of Rights? No! The Declaration of Independence says:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. —that to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men . . .”
So, where do our Rights come from? God. And what are those Rights? Life , Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Inscribed on the Liberty Bell is Leviticus 25:10 – “Proclaim LIBERTY throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof.”
Do Muslims respect the Rights God gave us? Of course not! Sharia stands in stark contrast to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Here’s why . . .
1. Life: Islam is a culture of oppression and death, e.g., primitive and oppressive regulations for women, murder and honor killings. The Koran instructs its adherents under no uncertain terms to torture and kill non-believers as set out in Sura 4:56, 4:89, and 9:5 for example.
2. Liberty: Islam is a culture of slavery and submission. Women are forced to cover their faces and frequently raped with no recourse. Children are often molested, and defection and conversion to another belief system often ends in brutal death.
3. Pursuit of Happiness: Does living in fear for a lot of Muslim women sound like the pursuit of happiness? Or being told when to pray, how to pray, and how many times to pray per day? For many Muslims, Islam is a culture of torture and sadism. How many times have we already heard of young Muslim girls in America who, after dating non-Muslim boys, were shot to death or run over by their father for allegedly bringing shame to their family? Public wife beating is commonplace. Women who don’t cover their hair are beaten on the spot. They’re often gang raped (needing multiple witnesses to testify against their male aggressors), mutilated, and left with maimed faces.
This was liberated from another FB page but I support this with everything that I am.
Good grief!
Pat that will never happen
Bernie: Take notice!
roumor has it this was a hoax look up chris spivey for more
They are haters of God and they want to destroy us they chop peoples heads off that don’t conform to their beliefs they are evil through and through . you need to understand that its not a game its real . if you have family you need to get informed so you can let them know the dangers that lie ahead of them if we don’t got Trump for president it may be to late for america as we know it
Hey Sweden are you fucking stupid or what?
You have got to be kidding.