There will be no memorial for Alexandra Mezher, the twenty-two year old Swedish woman, who was employed at an asylum center and was killed by a fifteen-year old migrant. She was hurried to the nearby hospital after the stabbing, but perished from her wounds, as previously shared on Truth and Action.
The local government, in the town where this asylum center is located, refused to permit a memorial service for this young worker, because they fear it will upset the refugees.
There is no concern for the broken hearts of the victim’s friends and families and the healing that occurs through memorial services. By not allowing the service, they capitulate to the refugee culture out of fear. The government is manipulated by the immigrant population, because of their erratic and hostile behavior, so they allow themselves to be bullied and bully their own citizens.
Just whacking them would be quicker, cheaper, and guarantee they wouldn’t return!
Well im a Pagan Odinist & for you Christians out there. You may not like are original ways before man wrote yalls bible but its either side up or shut up.
THE CURE – THE SOLUTION for the entire world:
For 1400 years the world has endured invasions by this radical tribe. The world needs to stand up now and deliver a message to Muslims and Islam. It is a sweet and simple request for world peace.
If Muslims truly are the tribe of peace they would self deport back to Saudi Arabia and leave the rest of the world alone because we are tired of hearing about them.
Dr. Bill Warner on 1400 years of history:
Ime getting sick to see snd hear all this Why are you scared of these migrants and shy sint they sorted
And why are they even there to start with,,
P**s on them ! They are not immigrants, migrants, refugees ! These are terrorists and hold no standing except as enemy combatant targets in any free civilization !
Fucx migrants russian biker gangs etc…keep up the breakdowns!! LOVE IT, BEATEM UP BADDDD