There will be no memorial for Alexandra Mezher, the twenty-two year old Swedish woman, who was employed at an asylum center and was killed by a fifteen-year old migrant. She was hurried to the nearby hospital after the stabbing, but perished from her wounds, as previously shared on Truth and Action.
The local government, in the town where this asylum center is located, refused to permit a memorial service for this young worker, because they fear it will upset the refugees.
There is no concern for the broken hearts of the victim’s friends and families and the healing that occurs through memorial services. By not allowing the service, they capitulate to the refugee culture out of fear. The government is manipulated by the immigrant population, because of their erratic and hostile behavior, so they allow themselves to be bullied and bully their own citizens.
Makes you sick, caving in like that..poor family..
Bunch of pu@@ys, cave in, make me sick, shame on them..
It seems all over the World these Radical Muslims are creating many problems for especially women. This being afraid of hurting their feelings is downright stupid. They need to be punished for the terrible things they.They must be stopped. Send them all back to where they came from, and basically keep them there away from civilizations. They are little more than wild animals, and the animals are better.
I think Europe is getting tired of this onslaught ….but idk….they are slow to the party I tell you
When will the world quit caving into them. Stand up and do something now.
Wouldn’t want to upset these murdering, raping scumbags now, would we?
How disrespectful to the family and friends and the Swedish people! It time to hit the streets and protest and beat down these Muslim invaders from hell! Islam is the evil cult of slavery, bloodletting, rape and murder! Cure the world of this evil social and f**e religious based on death the new world cancer! Time for the return of Genghis Khan!
Let it upset the barbaric imbecils , who cares ? They are sick , warped , MUSLIM PIGS that HAVE NOT got a place on this planet ! They savagly rape children and women because they aren’t men nor ever will be ! They raped every woman and child in the Middle East , now Obama want to spread their sickness throughout the World !
Mid offend these dune goons. Enough said.