A police officer in South Carolina was cleared in the shooting of Zachary Hammond. Hammond was driving his girlfriend to a drug deal.
Hammond’s girlfriend had been under investigation by under cover vice. The girlfriend, Tori Morton was under investigation for drug dealing, and possibly other charges.
The shooting became controversial, as the police officer appeared to be attempting to stop Hammond from driving away, and Hammond careened his car toward the officer, who came in contact with the hood of Hammond’s vehicle.
More on police shooting on the next page:
I’ll be nice for all you people who think that boy us
Cop does his job, liberals are outraged, film at eleven.
Poor baby you need a hug
So your kid would have done that? Considering your statement I’m not surprised.
He didn’t try running no one over maybe you should try and watch that video 100 more times so you won’t have to sound so stupid
He didn’t try to run no one over stupid fk watch the video again stupid
You’ve watched one too many Hollywood movies. Maybe he should have done a barrel roll and slide over the hood of his car too.
Jimmy Stephens your a f*g
The cops didn,t kill anyone
If his girlfriend was left behind why didn’t the cop just ask her name and address of the boy and go to his home to arrest him. Same with any one running away if their not showing a gun while running. Their just scared and can’t think straight. Just get them later.