“Obama has decimated the freakin’ Constitution, so I don’t give a damn. If he doesn’t follow the Constitution, we don’t have to,” stated a New Jersey cop to Steve Wronko, a citizen who was attempting to file a complaint to the Helmetta Police Department about an animal shelter that Wronko felt violated his Constitutional rights.
Your FIRED!!!!
Obama would be impeached in a minute, if he did anything illegal.
Totally unconscionable!!!
Lmfao. Why don’t you tell me Bob about how he has said 11 times that is uncons$#%&!@*utional for him to allow illegals in the country but then he did it anyways. Why don’t you Bob tell me how you explain that illegal behavior.
Or anyone for that matter….
The man said 11 times that I am NOT a king that we have a cons$#%&!@*ution and a Congress and I cannot do that 11 times Bob let me repeat myself he said this 11 times on national television and then he did exactly what he said he can’t do! Bob pretty please with sugar on top explain to me how is executive order is legal in any way shape or form or cons$#%&!@*utional in any way shape or form. Please Bob explain yourself
Your repub Congress must be inept.
Baloney! I avoid NJ at all costs. The cops are crazy there along with other New England locations including NYC. I’m serious! We stopped traveling to any of these states and we vacation elsewhere. We were in New York some years back and I was driving the speed limit, or a little above, and everybody was blowng us off of the highway. This state trooper pulled out and drove in my trunk for 20 miles. We’re two senior citizens, driving a new car, and I was driving a few above the speed limit like I said and he ignored those p$#%&!@*ing us doing 80+ and tailed us. What a joke! I used to spend a lot of time in NYC and I wouldn’t trust the NYPD any further than I could pick them up and throw them. I worked in law enforcement and I would never turn my back on any of them when I was there! Oh! I’m retired but if you run my tags it’ll come back saying I have a CCW license and it doesn’t say what kind of CCW it is. This will give you a better idea of why this jerk tailed me for 20 miles. These are the kind of cops who go looking to cause trouble. They are truly unprofessional and like I said a bunch of jerks! A family from Florida was driving in New Jersey earlier this year and the guy has a CCW in Florida and he was pulled over and they searched his entire car after asking him if he had a gun. He told them he left it at home and they still searched the entire car and gave NO reason for pulling him over and didn’t cite him following. They menaced his children and wife scaring them and made a big production out of it. Thankfully he didn’t have his gun with him or they would have taken him to jail. This is just one of many such incidents I’ve logged in the past year. A young Marine veteran went to the Ground Zero 9/11 Memorial and declared that she had two weapons on her and asked where she could check them since the sign said no weapons allowed. She flew from Texas and declared the guns on the flights and checked them with no problems. She has a CCW permit from Texas and the dirtbag cop she asked arrested her and she went to jail and has been charged with two felonies!. My comment, screw NYC, your worthless mayor, your stupid laws, and your lousy dirtbag cops! The terrorists didn’t use any guns on 9/11 did they??!! BOYCOTT NYC and TAKE YOUR MONEY ELSEWHERE! My best advice to anyone planning a vacation.
Oh yes you do. You took an oath of office, remember?
No ossifer…You are SUPPOSE to arrest the Non Law Abiding Perp. So, I guess you need to be arrested if your not going to follow the law just as the people of America are….FIRE THIS POS…