The face of the United Kingdom, over the next 25 years, will shift dramatically as nearly a 10 million new migrants will move into town.
Just in Scotland alone, the number of Scottish born babies compared to migrants over the next 10 years equal 1 in 9. These numbers do not however reflect the recent refugee crisis that has overtaken Europe and therefore will adjust the actual numbers upward.
Read more on the next page.
Lexie Madden replied to your comment on Franklin Graham’s link.
Lexie Madden
October 31 at 11:42pm
I live in Hawaii. O’Bama was named Barry Sotero when he went to high school here. His reputation and behavior was a gay black high sch kid that regularly skipped school and would do ANYTHING for cocaine. He preyed on wealthy older white men. You should get in a chat with some of Barrys former classmates! I hate thay he plans to move here. Hawaii doesn’t want him. They were gonna rename Sandy Beach to “Barach Obama Beach” but they received so much negative public response yhdy had to scratch that ide!
and again they invited these fckers
Not seeing many women and child…….young men who should be trying to save their own country….did you leave them behind to suffer.
Hope they are happy now
Go home , we did not ask you to come here.
Foreign invasion without firing a single shot!
Liberals don’t have room for your children yet plenty for others!
Good grief! They didn’t ask the sheep what they thought about inviting these hoards!
It’s very simple. DO…NOT…LET…THEM….IN
Holy C**p !