The face of the United Kingdom, over the next 25 years, will shift dramatically as nearly a 10 million new migrants will move into town.
Just in Scotland alone, the number of Scottish born babies compared to migrants over the next 10 years equal 1 in 9. These numbers do not however reflect the recent refugee crisis that has overtaken Europe and therefore will adjust the actual numbers upward.
Read more on the next page.
Send them all back.
Stop them now before they rape your children – even if means fighting your government.
Three words… Carpet bombing run
Get ready Scott’s, lock and load or lose your country
Don’t let them in tell them to go home
Changing the demographics around the world. Who runs the world? Its not girls.
What Would William Wallace say to his descendant country men about this?
Take over. Anyone left? Where ever they are from.
Everyone carry a bottle of pigs blood in case.
Good idea place bombs along the border until 2017. #DONALDTRUMP.