One Scottish baby to every nine migrants is projected by the Office of National Statistics in the next 10 years. The numbers projected over 25 years for the U.K. are even more staggering with 10 million migrants entering the country. The strain on the services provided to the migrants, as well as housing, is creating an very tangible crisis even now.
The ONS’s official projection is cause for concern as services already feel the strain of so many new arrivals. Lord Green of Deddington, chairman of Migration Watch UK, said: “These projections confirm that our population will increase by more than twice the population of Birmingham in the next five years.
“The prospect of nearly 10 million in 25 years underlines the huge impact on housing and public services, unless the government succeeds in bringing net migration right down.”
The projections were calculated prior to the refugee crisis that is now hitting Europe, so the real numbers will be inflated.
However, the figures may be a gross underestimate. According to the ONS, the projections are “based on the population as of 30 June 2014”, well before Europe’s current migrant crisis got underway. They also only take into account official migration statistics, but do not appear to include any provision for illegal migration, which is notoriously difficult to quantify.
Source: Breitbart
Wwjd. Drown them all and kill there children starve them and then blame them
You Scotts had better start fornicating like rabbits
Start sending them back to their own countries!