The GOP establishment is getting scared of Donald Trump’s popularity. Nikki Haley, governor of South Carolina and hand picked by Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell to deliver the response to last night State of the Union address, confirmed that not only did she purposely target Donald Trump but that the speech had been approved by Republican leaders.
Bizarrely, when the Tea Party Republicans moved the establishment back to the Right there was very little resistance to the idea. In fact, the smartest Republicans used the movement to win gubernatorial and federal House and Senate seats. But now that much of the Republican constituency is rallying around Donald Trump for a Presidential candidate, the establishment is actively resisting.
If the GOP wants to lock their chances for the Presidential race, they need to start throwing some weight behind an electable nominee. Donald Trump has been in the lead for months now, so why is the republican leadership hesitant?
Read more about Nikki Haley’s State of the Union response on page 2.
Go Trump 2016 make America great again and clean out the house
Why would you vote for Trump?
Do you not know his ties are to Mafia?
He OWES GEORGE SOROS, a man who equally hates America 1.60 million! Soros owes 6 billion to IRS!
2012 The Donald was charged by the DOJ for not renting to blacks! It’s called segregation and racism folks. His Dad was arrested for being member of the KKK! His Grandfather made his money by stealing off land belonging to other people!
Great lineage huh???? The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
He’s cousin to Hillary Clinton and he’s said over and over he thinks she would make a GREAT president!!
Bill Clinton was interviewed and he said that no matter which way THIS election goes “we have it in the bag”!!! The ONLY way that could happen is if the family relative Donald wins!!!! That’s the only Republican tied to Clinton’s!
Donald has a VERY long history of flip flopping!
Donald has been a life long LIBERAL DEMOCRAT with bribery to politicians and then brags about how many politicians “OWE HIM”!!! Think on that one for a while!
He brags about how stinking rich he is….
Yet he bankrupted four companies leaving YOU the taxpayer on the hook for ALL four bankruptcies!!!
How when he has enough money didn’t the courts make him pay for it? Instead he took what profits he could for himself and laughed all the way to the bank bragging essentially how we all got stuck with his debt saying I USED the laws to MY benefit and I LOVE IT!!!
Shades of Hillary using the laws to her benefit and getting away with murder and getting filthy rich from enemies of America!
This wall Donald wants to build he wants to call it after him yet the people (taxpayers) would have to pay for it. So the EGOmaniac wants to name something the people paid for after himself!!!
My GREATEST fear is Donald will be the swing decision and will end up throwing the vote to Hillary by default!
Do we really want ANOTHER HOTHEAD EGOMANIAC exactly like OBAMA in the whitehouse???
He has no statesman like behavior!
Britain already said they are taking a vote to Parliament to not let him in their country if he becomes President! He’s offended one ally and he will continue to offend others!
He’s going after Israel the Country God warns in the Bible that those who go against Israel, God will go against them!!!
He has no knowledge of how the government works in any sector.
He has no clue what the bible says – can’t say one verse of it but carries it around for looks to appear Christian!
His VERY first question after the first republican debate was
Mr. Trump how would you fix the problems of the government that Obama created????
His reply was:
“I DONT KNOW!!” “But I would hire someone to fix it”!!!!
Let that sink in….
Hire more government not less government and if he doesn’t know how to fix it how will he know the person he hired knows how to fix it???
It’s called the blind leading the blind!!! Obama hired lots of screw ups who had no clue about government or sectors and look at what a mass debauchal that turned out to be!!! It’s what got us here in the first place!
Donald promised no mud slinging and every candidate who ran against him close to his numbers he slung mud at trying to make it stick!
That proves he can’t keep his word!
He has no ethics, morals or scruples!
He insults women and womanizer!
His behavior is piggish and he has no knowledge of anything in the constitution or law!
For if he had a clue he would be pulling out those things and pointing out what Obama, Hillary and Bernie are doing and/or campaining and violating those laws.
The Donald bragged about how he were president how he would vacation like Obama since Obama “set the standard”!!!!
Look how upsetting it is to Americans when Obama spends millions for every vacation and yet Trump wants more of the same!!!!
Take the blinders off folks!
Trump is either another pawn who will spend us into oblivion and destroy democracy or he will put people in place who will!!!
Wake up!
Ted Cruz is the only knowledgable candidate whose ideas aren’t crazy, who knows the law, who has gone against both parties and stood by action for we the people!
Ted is the ONLY candidate who knows the constitution inside out and upside down!
Ted is the only Candidate and LAWMAKER, who went before Supreme Court who argued a case and WON!!!!
Ted’s Harvard professor said out of all the students he’s ever had Ted Cruz is the SMARTEST of them all!
Donald’s as dumb as a box of rocks! The man couldn’t keep four businesses up and running so he stuck the tab to the taxpayers!!!! What else would he stick to the taxpayers??? The admitted gluttonous vacations that Obama set standards for that Trump wants now since those standards are set verbatim!!!!!????
Donald is CLUELESS and we as Americans need someone who has a common sense gene in his head!! I have yet to see any common sense in his psychobabble!
I strongly urge you to think about this!
The words of Bill Clinton are ringing horribly loud that NO MATTER WHICH WAY THIS GOES WE GOT THIS IN THE BAG!!!
The Clintons, Bushes and Obama have all pushed one world order!!!
The UN as the Leader of it and Obama is now pushing to become secretary of the UN!!!
The UN and Agenda 21 push depopulation !!!
We can’t afford to have the Clinton Obama agenda continue and if Trump gets in there’s an extremely high PROBABILITY what BILL CLINTON said will ring true!
Please I STRONGLY URGE you to reconsider your vote to TED CRUZ.
He is our only hope in getting this massive government screw up Obama created straightened out!
Thank you!
Please feel free to repost and share!
Without Trump, WASHDC will be the same 3 ring circus, just different clowns!
She is done
All done and finished.
and she still wants to be considered as vice president for Donald principle at all
Treasonous elites
Of course they are scared of a self made rich, successful, Non Politician becoming President that has a great chance to turn this country around and get us back on track. It would break the myth that politicians have the answer and are needed. BS the last thing we need is a politician WE need someone that can get the job done.
So now we know you are part of the establishment so we know to replace you thank you for the info
THIS proves the “establishment” republicans have no respect for Republican Voters. Let’s hope these voters send her packing.