Nikki Haley Admits She Targeted Trump In Response To Obama’s SOTU, With GOP Approval

Nikki Haley, who delivered the Republican response to the State of the Union has confirmed that she targeted Donald Trump with the blessing of Republican leaders.

Nikki Haley … confirmed Wednesday morning that she did indeed target GOP frontrunner Donald Trump and that the speech was approved in advance by Republican leaders.

Probably because Chris Cuomo isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer, Don Lemon was rousted out of bed early to interview Haley on CNN’s “New Day.” Haley not only confirmed she was targeting Trump, she seemed to compare him to the rioters in Ferguson and Baltimore.

LEMON: I think I want to start with that soundbite. You said the ‘loudest voices in the room.’ Was that comment directed at Donald Trump?

HALEY: Partially him, but a lot of people. You know, a lot of what I was talking about is that we’ve seen across our country — if you look at Ferguson and Baltimore we are seeing that people have to be loud, they have to be angry to have their voices heard.

Haley want on to say that, “I’m very thankful Speaker Ryan and Senator McConnell let me give the speech I wanted to give.” When asked if the GOP leaders approved of her text in advance, she confirmed, “They did.”

Source: Breitbart

The GOP has a rare opportunity to have as charismatic and appealing candidate as Barack Obama was to the Left in 2008. When it became clear to Democratic leaders that Obama was likely to win, they threw their support behind him.

So why is the GOP resisting? Are they afraid of Donald Trump? Their constituencies aren’t. The smartest thing the GOP can do right now is stop pandering to Rupert Murdoch and the Koch Brothers and start thinking about the November election. If this country is going to be saved from the tyranny of ignorance and incompetence that Obama has pursued, it has to start now.



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