Conspiracies involving mass shootings are often misunderstood. When one says that it was an inside job, it doesn’t always necessarily mean a patsy was involved. Just like with radical Islamic terrorists – all it takes is a few members of the FBI or other government agency ignoring the threat. Viola! Another act of terror was allowed to unfold, tensions grow higher, and the politicians’ ponce on the latest tragedy to further their agendas.
What happened at Sandy Hook may have been another case of deliberate government negligence. Now, this is a very sensitive topic. Children lost their lives. However, wouldn’t the greater travesty be ignoring these disturbing revelations pointing to a far more nefarious motive?
Recently declassified information surrounding the Sandy Hook shooting is horrifying. Why did government officials overlook the obvious? Why did they refuse to intervene?
Head on over to the next page to learn the top 4 bombshells revealed in these latest briefings.
Did you know the government knew about the planned attack 4 years in advance and the “official” reason they give for refusing to intervene?
The explanation given is bewildering!
Move to the next page:
Several things simply could not have happened as reported to the public. Supposedly he carried more than his own weight and still shot well, he supposedly said he was going to kill kids at sandy hook and his mom two years before it happened, the FBI allegedly told his mom he could get a job with the FBI someday after he hacked into a system, etc.
That was stupid as hell.
Thank you Mindy Ütz, I wish everything had to pass a truth or fiction test before it could be posted.
I agree, Janet!
Nathan Burch Adam Flack Melvin Willis Doug King Michael R Rogers
Another Obama created shooting spree played by actors and all to take away guns so there Dark Stare plan could continue!
YEAH…..I BET IT DOES !!!!!!!
Your points 3 and 4 are completely contradictory. If authorities believed Lanza had no violent tendencies, how can they be guilty of ignoring his supposedly homicidal plans? If he was no threat then why should they have tried to stop him?
This is classical conspiratorialism. Citing the completely discredited Halbig who still believes in the “Sandy Hook Hoax” (arguing that no one actually died), further taints your conclusions. He was a cop for a year or two 40 years ago. He’s proven that he’s deranged.
I’ll at least give you credit for not traveling the Alex Jones/Halbig path complete with green screens and crisis actors. But as is typical of conspiracy theorists, accusations are made (Lanza was too weak to carry all those weapons, implying that he had to have had accomplices or was set up) and then it’s argued that the FBI should have stopped this kid. This makes no sense.
These arguments are incoherent. There are thousands like Lanza who have the capability of committing heinous acts. But just because someone like Lanza wasn’t stopped doesn’t mean the government was culpable. His mother should bear a significant portion of the blame not the FBI. And to argue that Lanza was purposely ignored because this would further the gun control efforts is not credible. What was the FBI supposed to do? Arrest Lanza for having no violent tendencies?
the whole thing is contrived
The article is silly. A bushmaster comes in at 7 lbs, two pistols at 3-4 lbs, and a 30 rd mag weighs about 1 lb. How do these exceed 85 lbs?