Conspiracies involving mass shootings are often misunderstood. When one says that it was an inside job, it doesn’t always necessarily mean a patsy was involved. Just like with radical Islamic terrorists – all it takes is a few members of the FBI or other government agency ignoring the threat. Viola! Another act of terror was allowed to unfold, tensions grow higher, and the politicians’ ponce on the latest tragedy to further their agendas.
What happened at Sandy Hook may have been another case of deliberate government negligence. Now, this is a very sensitive topic. Children lost their lives. However, wouldn’t the greater travesty be ignoring these disturbing revelations pointing to a far more nefarious motive?
Recently declassified information surrounding the Sandy Hook shooting is horrifying. Why did government officials overlook the obvious? Why did they refuse to intervene?
Head on over to the next page to learn the top 4 bombshells revealed in these latest briefings.
Did you know the government knew about the planned attack 4 years in advance and the “official” reason they give for refusing to intervene?
The explanation given is bewildering!
Move to the next page:
We live 10 minutes from there across the river in Southbury. Your statement about no news coverage is wrong. Not only was there extensive coverage but a friend of ours was a nanny for one of the kids. So the idea of a faked Sandy Hook is nonsense. And if you think I am some looney Liberal that would be wrong too. You are not getting your info from a reliable source. I am a CCL holder and belong to the NRA. I am a Constitutional Conservative and no one ever could mistake me for an apologist for the government or the ABC agencies. The issue here is the lack of mental health help for troubled people. The kid was not all there and still the mother taught him how to use guns and let him have free reign. No locked gun case, etc. Theories like this discredit real things that are going on that should be looked into
I stopped reading at the statement: ‘the government knew about the planned….FOUR years before it happened.” COME ON! That is plain stupid.
He would have had to have 1000’s of rounds of ammo to weigh that much. A bushmaster weighs about 6 lbs.
My point exactly
School had actors placed there,no children fied that day.
Right that statement lost most of the credibility of the story.
Right,it was full of asbestos.
Its all redacted files mostly
Reid Moore ahole