Conspiracies involving mass shootings are often misunderstood. When one says that it was an inside job, it doesn’t always necessarily mean a patsy was involved. Just like with radical Islamic terrorists – all it takes is a few members of the FBI or other government agency ignoring the threat. Viola! Another act of terror was allowed to unfold, tensions grow higher, and the politicians’ ponce on the latest tragedy to further their agendas.
What happened at Sandy Hook may have been another case of deliberate government negligence. Now, this is a very sensitive topic. Children lost their lives. However, wouldn’t the greater travesty be ignoring these disturbing revelations pointing to a far more nefarious motive?
Recently declassified information surrounding the Sandy Hook shooting is horrifying. Why did government officials overlook the obvious? Why did they refuse to intervene?
Head on over to the next page to learn the top 4 bombshells revealed in these latest briefings.
Did you know the government knew about the planned attack 4 years in advance and the “official” reason they give for refusing to intervene?
The explanation given is bewildering!
Move to the next page:
Don’t know. I’m not. But we see you.
I can’t go to the next page? wth
It was staged by the Obama Administration to push to take our guns and all their lies and deceit will come to light within the next year. Mark those words, you liberal parasites
How stupid do you have to be..sorry to burst anyone bubble here but a AR-15,two pistols and three 30 rd mags dont weigh more than 85 lbs actaully its dont weigh$#%&!@* Ar’s are lite weight under 7 lbs. And 3 30 rd mags dont weigh$#%&!@*either.
It adds up to the globalist libtard agenda to take our guns.
you are a special kind of libtard stupid aren’t you.
you are a special kind of libtard stupid aren’t you.
None of it makes sense. Of course Hillary does like to gave people killed. And the democrats want us unarmed. Collateral damage in their eyes. But Obama would be the better suspect since he was president and want to take the USA down and us unarmed so his Jihad Army would have it easier. Killing our children,thought, would make us break. Nope. They even tried to kill Gabby Gifford to unarm us. Oh the darkness of the left ….
Sandy Hook never happened
Sandy Hook was a Obama staged event to ban guns, that all it was.