Conspiracies involving mass shootings are often misunderstood. When one says that it was an inside job, it doesn’t always necessarily mean a patsy was involved. Just like with radical Islamic terrorists – all it takes is a few members of the FBI or other government agency ignoring the threat. Viola! Another act of terror was allowed to unfold, tensions grow higher, and the politicians’ ponce on the latest tragedy to further their agendas.
What happened at Sandy Hook may have been another case of deliberate government negligence. Now, this is a very sensitive topic. Children lost their lives. However, wouldn’t the greater travesty be ignoring these disturbing revelations pointing to a far more nefarious motive?
Recently declassified information surrounding the Sandy Hook shooting is horrifying. Why did government officials overlook the obvious? Why did they refuse to intervene?
Head on over to the next page to learn the top 4 bombshells revealed in these latest briefings.
Did you know the government knew about the planned attack 4 years in advance and the “official” reason they give for refusing to intervene?
The explanation given is bewildering!
Move to the next page:
Nick Bartenhagen
School had been shut down for 5 years prior to Sandy Hook yet the school was fully staffed and had a full student body the day of the shooting…..yeah……that makes the whole thing seem less fishy….. You’re right Dawn Edwards
Ppl we know live less than 50 miles from this tragedy. They say they never heard anything about it.. There was no news coverage about it in the immediate area. Red Flag Warning!
Sucks that nothing will ever come of these things, no matter the evidence
Tell me about it. The deep state is the FBI and CIA fucking criminals to our country!
There are strange vids showing the parents on the scene laughing and talking as if it were on a movie set. The little “dead girl’ was seen sitting on Obamas lap in a later “for the children” photo shoot? Was it just a media show or not?
Truth never fears questioning for it is absolute the fact that your made out to be a demon for asking basic questions and every news outlet is a zealot about it should raise suspicion. A healthy distrust is just that healthy.
In the initial footage from the helicopter there were two unidentified men in hunting gear with no weapons being escorted by either police or government officials from behind the school. It was never shown again after that….anyone know anything about that?………Rob K
The school wasn’t open! That’s pretty problematic! Sandy Hoax! Smh