The Democrat Party chose former Labor Secretary Eric Perez as their new chairman last month. Perez — the establishment choice — defeated the more progressive Keith Ellerson for the role.
Now that he’s in charge, it’s clear that he’s not changing the Democrats’ losing formula. He’s sticking to the tired Trump-is-a-racist message that failed the party in 2016.
But at least he has the press on his side. The fake news media seems to corroborate the Democrat Party line at every opportunity — even when it directly contradicts the truth.
The biggest media lie about Trump is no doubt the assertion that his overturned travel ban was based on religion; so it should come as no surprise that this was the first lie Perez decided to push as DNC chair.
See how Perez called Trump “racist” on the next page:
In your corrupt mind , you say.
border jumper DNC chairman as if wasserhead shultz was bad enough
STFU…….you, sir, are the racist, fascist, communist, liberal progressive. You pay to support the Muslims in your home, but I Will NOT. I am sick of the inane argument of racism on every single human issue.
They simply are clueless
I hope so
Wow!!! Wake up!!! This is just what Obama wanted!!! Everything is racist, everything is discriminatory, everything is biased!!!
Get over it!!! President Trump is trying to protect Americans, while idiots like this are allow the threats and killings to continue!!! Kind of like the abused wife that does not prosecute her abusive husband, because he promised it would not happen again!!!
Stupid is, Stupid does!!!
People are known by their ideology and fruits! Need I say more! It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see this!
I guess you would invite rapist and murders into you house with your family because that is PC. Well NEWS FLASH REALAmericans don’t care what you call us WE are going to keep our families safe and fight for OUR country despite you liberal commies and your faul names. REMEMBER YOU DIDN’T GET OUR GUNS!!!!!!!!
Best you can do, DNC???
You Are TRASH !!!!