As The Washington Post reported, the New York Times is in such a hurry to jump on the bandwagon in support of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) that it didn’t even read the “trade agreement,” as the Obama administration insists on calling it. Why didn’t the New York Times read the agreement like the critical, self-sufficient, ethical journalists they with to portray?
Because NOBODY in the public has read the agreement.
The Washington Post explains:
This TPP Bill has already been voted up by our Traitorous Congress and they were paid handsomely to do so…when you hear Obama talk about a New World Order, he is telling you the truth. At no other time in our American History has this actually been doable, but all is needed is Obama’s signature, which he will sign after the grace period. He harr$#%&!@*ed Congress to give in until Obama got everything he and the Puppeteers who are giving Obama his orders. Let me repeat..Obama will sign this and right now everything is falling into place for our NEW WORLD ORDER!!!! Senator Jeff Sessions fought hard for Congress not to vote this up and Sessions has read this Bill. Here is what he says, please read attentively and carefully and everything Obama is doing will make sense:
In N.Y.C. The Times can’t even give their paper away.
Should change its name to The Obama Times.
The NY SLIMES shows their butt again.
Obama told them to support it. HEIL OBAMA.…
Obama is transparent, every thing that comes out of his mouth is a lie, therefor he is transparent.
NYT a bunch of a$$holes
Disgrace to America