More misleading reporting seeped out of the mainstream media today. A week after Donald Trump fired James Comey, the New York Times published information about a supposed memo Comey had written previous to his termination. As reported, the memorandum suggested that Trump asked the FBI to halt the investigation into former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.
If that were the case, Trump’s critics would have a decent argument of obstruction of justice. But as is always the case with the left-wing media, the headlines don’t quite match up with the facts.
Trump didn’t ask Comey to stop investigating Flynn. Instead, his quote, which was included in the New York Times’ piece, was much less objectionable. Of course, that didn’t stop them from pushing a misleading headline — and in news, few people see past the words at the top of the page.
Of course, that didn’t stop them from pushing a misleading headline — and in news, few people see past the words at the top of the page.
See what Trump said to Comey on the next page:
The Times can$#%&!@*themselves. F**e news again. Obama is a f*g
Oh Bs
Just more BS from the libtards !!!
Nyt f**e news
As the Democrats continue to be obstructionist and the Republicans have a problem being in leadership where were the Republicans when Hillary sold the uranium to Russia talk about putting our nation at risk only idiots want to continue running the USA into the ground
Evidence, my$#%&!@*
Oh I forgot to include the bias MSM as well. Funny how CNN, NYT, Buzzfeed, Wapo, etc. are SO silent about current ongoing #DNCfraudlawsuit involving bias media colluding w/Hillary during election-2016 to ensure Bernie Sanders lost; not to mention DNCleaks they used Russia as scapegoat for when it was DNC Seth Rich, who sent wikileaks 44k emails just b4 murdered, but zero mention of that by none; too focused on obstructing President & Whitehouse w/he said-she said ideology!
Hope there ready to fight 3/4 of America. Civil War Time
Well we know it’s false if the nyt said it !
Hillary didn’t sell any uranium to Russia you fucking idiot