It an idea only liberals could seriously consider. Portions of America would be transferred to Mexican sovereignty. That would be one way to get rid of illegal aliens, but can people be serious about this?
This stems from the Mexican-American War, not one of the brighter spots on our history. At least not according to early presidents such as John Quincy Adams and U.S. Grant in addition to other notable American leaders including General Robert E. Lee. It’s been referred to as America’s first war of territorial conquest, one that resulted in a sizeable part of what was Mexican territory being annexed by the U.S. Government.
The results of this war still manifest themselves today in movements in the American Southwest among those of Mexican descent to secede from the U.S. and return to Mexico. Now we see these movements and others considering filing claims in international courts demanding that their request be granted to return what they consider as stolen territory back to Mexico.
More on page two.
I would say this is a clear cut case of Democrat COLLUSION. They do allow illegals to vote etc. that’s COLLUSION
Only an uneducated idiot would make a statement like that.
Give them California we won Texas fair and square while were at it give them new York you dumbass liberals!
Not one inch of the US belongs to Mexico, and since they have obviously stopped teaching about teh Civil War, the Union isn’t up for negotiation.
So how far back into history shall we go with this kind of self-serving c**p? Say, back to the days of Cortez and the Spanish conquest of the native Mexican territories? Maybe even further back to the days of Aztec conquest of their empire? Maybe back through the day of the Maya and Inca? See the trend? Oh, heck, let’s just reset it all to the days of the Mongol Empire. Or maybe even further back to the days of Rome? The Babylonians? Or the Assyrian Empire? The Egyptians perhaps? WHERE DOES IT END? Mexico came into being because the Spanish massacred the inhabitants they found when they arrived. Where are THEIR reparations??????
Remember the Alamo – Santa Ana signed it over.
Remember the Alamo
Let them fight for it. Then we will annex Baja California and the top half of Mexico.
Get these nuts off of the stage and put them away where they can’t hurt themselves or others.