Realize that for some Mexicans, this portion of America was ripped from their country by force, hence they believe they have every right to be there whether the U.S. government likes it or not.
Being a Mexican himself, Krauze offers a bold and controversial plan of action:
For us Mexicans, this is the chance for a kind of reconquest. Surely not the physical reconquest of the territories that once were ours. Nor an indemnification that should have been much greater than the feeble amount of $15 million that the American government paid, in installments, for the stolen land. We need a reconquest of the memory of that war so prodigal in atrocities inspired by racial prejudices and greed for territorial gain.
But the best and most just reparation would be American immigration reform that could open the road to citizenship for the descendants of those Mexicans who suffered the unjust loss of half their territory.
In other words, Krauze believes all those of Mexican descent should be given full U.S. citizenship rights regardless of how they arrived in the country. Given the tensions that already exist regarding immigration, this can only make a difficult situation more stressful.
Source: New York Times
Haha the fools can’t take care of their own as is.
What the hell are they gonna do with them. Turn them into a s**t hole, lawless area like Mexico.
New York Times is ignoring history.
Mexico declared war on us and we whooped them passed the Rio Grande. When it was all over the river was agreed upon to be the boundaries and the U.S. paid the Mexican government for it, it’s ours bought and paid for!
I say again … give ’em California … let ’em try to take Texas from the Texans.